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Everything posted by IlkanZX

  1. I agree, I remember when the whole dog competition breeding standards was exposed. They found that most dogs were inbreeds, resulting in a lot of abnormalities with the dogs. Very disturbing to hear that the people who supposedly go to the greatest lengths to take care of there dogs, are in fact, putting them through pain and anguish to win a few trophies. And they say backyard breeders are bad....
  2. Good film, I don't understand why they don't use ZX's in the film more thoroughly.
  3. Aw man, seeing this makes me want a cat! Have 2 dogs unfortunately, wonder how they would get on?
  4. Spotted a white ZX in North Chingford about 9 - 9.30PM.
  5. This isn't an answer to your question (sorry), but M5BOARD.COM is usually quite a helpful forum and the answer to your problem might already be on a topic somewhere. Good luck with the answer though!
  6. I would say that it is greed/stupidity and also a very clever and well planned hustle. We all like a bargain and these hustlers create the illusion of such. I think most would just consider themselves incredibly lucky to come across such deals and fall blindly into the hustlers trap, others are skeptical resulting in the hustlers trying heavily to appeal to their sense of greed (which they do extremely well). I think you would be right in saying that because you are aware that the people on the t.v are performing a hustle, that you manage to pull yourself away from what is going on and think 'wow, how stupid are these people?'. We are all very greedy people and we do not hesitate to cease a bargain. We should consider ourselves fortunate to have such t.v shows around, because I'm sure none of the marks on these shows expected to be hustled when they left the house.
  7. Good idea, or take a picture and put it on ratemypoo.com.
  8. Seriously, I wish I never clicked on this thread now lol.
  9. You have to look at things in perspective though mate. Fair enough, our justice system is shit and jails are loaded so most people are getting off relatively easy with crimes. But what you have to remember is that police not only arrest someone for committing a crime, but they also prevent crime.
  10. Haha, weapons are great fun but I would rather help in sorting out problems at home. And yeah you're right, the pay these soldiers get is disgusting for someone putting their life in such risk.
  11. The force not recruiting? Damn, I guess more and more people are trying to work for the public sector, especially with this financial crisis. I wonder if the Met is recruiting?
  12. Well, I've recently been thinking about trying to obtain a career within London's finest police force - the Met! Anyone here work/ed as a PC that could give me more insight as to what the job is like? Even if you haven't your opinion is still welcome and I would like to know if any of you have ever thought about doing it.
  13. Oh damn sorry lol, I didn't read your post properly.
  14. I'm with virgin, I must say the service is quite good all around. The customer care is great and I've hardly ever had any downtime on my internet. A few more bonuses include a free router if you get the large internet package or above. Also if you're not happy with whoever provides your phone and t.v service then they offer great packages on all 3 (Internet, t.v, phone). Hope this helps.
  15. You could probably catch yourself a decent bargain on Ebay.
  16. Terribly sorry to hear about this mate, I hope everything goes ok from here on. Wishing you a speedy recovery :(
  17. If our justice system is supposedly the best in the world, then that says a lot about the justice in our world.
  18. Very nice, I must say though...the first one does look fake.
  19. Too right, don't leave until you are happy man. Raise hell!
  20. My brother bought the 1.8VVT Design version today. 3hours to Manchester and back, my legs are ****ing killing me.
  21. That is messed up. I hate to go all religious, but these all this stuff is predicted in the bible - children having children, etc.
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