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I thought I'd give it a shot, and see if anyone could shed some light on this one :D :bow:


Escort, 1995, 1.6 Zetec SEFi


Right problem one;.... I come to the car after it's been standing for a while, and turn the key, she turns, but doesn't fire up! Now if I press the accelerator down a bit she then fire up.


Problem two (could be connected with problem one);.... I'm driving along and come to a set of traffic lights. I change down through the gears (Manual), and as I'm slowing down the revs arn't slowing as much as they should (staying around the 1500 mark), I come to a halt and , only, then do the revs drop suddenly, but only when I put her into 1st gear! Sometimes the revs drop that quickly that it'll stall!


I've checked the free running of the accelerator cable and it is fine.


Any ideas?????? :confused:



.......Any ideas?????? :confused:




Yeah, it's a Ford ;) :D


Sorry mate - booze talking :x:


Richard :rofl:

I have something to say............ It's better to burn out than to fade away..... :tt2:


yeah the battery may not be fully charged or you have a prob with the alternator, i dont know why this happens but it used to do it on my fiesta rs1800, it was the alternator lead on the wrong side of the bracket


I had a similar problem to problem two in my S reg 1.8 Zetec (escort). The revs would hang coming off the motorway, or changing down. Eventually they said it was water getting into the ECU which was supposedly a common problem. They changed the ECU but I never felt it was completely cured, so whether they were trying to fob me off... Don't know if the engines are similar or not.


Thanks guys :bow:


Yeah, i know it's a Ford, but then it gets me to work and back cheaper than the Zed does :D


The battery is virtually brand new (only a couple of months old) so the alternater sounds interesting.


As far as I can tell, the 1.8 and 1.6 are virtually the same engine and mechanicals/electricals, so i'll look into the ECU (was thinking along this line)


I'll give the idle control valve a looking at too




:bow: :bow:

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