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Female perspective.....

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Guest Miss Astrassuck

Just wondering......How many of you had arguments with the better half about the amount she has spent on clothes shoes and other 'luxuries'?? Will be interesting to see the replies. Honest answers only please :D


I make a point of turning a blind eye ! ;)


After all, how can I moan about £28 Elizabeth Arden make-up,

when I just spent £128 on a silly wee bit of plastic and wires,

as she calls it ?


Was actually a Hypertech Chip from the States.


As long as she spends a wee bit at her Ann Summers parties, its ok ! :x:




i gave my wife, 100 pounds so she could buy herself some new shoes and a new coat,,



she came back with one pair of boots, price 97.99.,



was upset a bit to start with but the same old qoute, how much you spent on the zed this year, ,, , :headvswal :headvswal :headvswal :headvswal




4.5 k,, plus what the car cost,and its all engine ,, dolt dolt,, next year bodywork,, the car not mine although mine would be cheaper, ,


My wife can have anything she wants (as long as we have the money) I wouldnt stop her from buying anything as she wouldnt stop me. 50/50 is the rule in our house. :bow:


Really don't care - she can spend what she earns on whatever she likes ;)


I pay for the house and related items, food bills, holidays and running the cars so Julia spends her own wages on herself. That way there's no issue about me buying Z-related things :D


Richard :smw:

I have something to say............ It's better to burn out than to fade away..... :tt2:


I can spend as much money on my Zed as i like..... And my wife can go f**k herself for all I care!!!!!! :D


















































For the ones who have just gone :shock: I'm getting divorced :D and anyway, I got my Zed AFTER we split up ;)


Our money is a meltin pot and she gets what she wants and I get what I want, if we can afford it :) seems to work for us


She wants to spend £300 on hair extensions.... that's ok with me :D and I dont have to turn round and say 'well I spent such and such on this'... cos it don't matter.


well caz my girlfriend is a deputy manager of a well known clothes store and gets stupid amounts of discount so im happy trouble is she just buys 3 times as much :headvswal


i dont mind ive got a few plans for the z :rofl:

Guest Neil Morris
Just wondering......How many of you had arguments with the better half about the amount she has spent on clothes shoes and other 'luxuries'?? Will be interesting to see the replies. Honest answers only please :D


Suzanne is the most spoilt Girl in Norwich....love her to bit's.. :bow:


she can have anythink she wants........Could do you a list but it would take me toooo long........ :D


(But she does not like the Zed much or how much i spend on it.She has only driven it twice)


no problems - iv got the zed, shes got clothes!


we both moan at each other, and spend the same (or so she thinks!)

Guest Timmy_Turbo

Jen is fine with spending e.g. I spend loads on her but again who cares if you love the person your with. I like making her feel good and if that means pampering her and buying her stuff I don't care.


Anyone ready to throw up yet? LOL :D

Guest LiL PinKy

Out here a good one with low miles goes for about $12,000....I'm gonna try and get a loan from the bank to get one! I'm dream of the Z everynight....she makes me HOTT! She's so yummy!

Out here a good one with low miles goes for about $12,000....I'm gonna try and get a loan from the bank to get one! I'm dream of the Z everynight....she makes me HOTT! She's so yummy!


Zeds are ace!!! :D

Guest astrassuck
Out here a good one with low miles goes for about $12,000....I'm gonna try and get a loan from the bank to get one! I'm dream of the Z everynight....she makes me HOTT! She's so yummy!

Whats that in sterling? Zeds rock !! :bow:

Guest LiL PinKy

Sterling? Are you being sarcastic? Thats for like a 96'...with low miles. Gimmie Gimmie!

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