October 19, 200519 yr Sorry to capture your thread, but I've wondered this for a long time now, and can't stand it anymore :P What does FAO and NZR stand for? :)
October 19, 200519 yr I know who you are so tread with caution LOL :rofl: Â Please don't tell me it's chunk! :rofl:
October 19, 200519 yr Another Sexylady or what ever the last female Z member was called???? Coincidence????????? Â Ummmmmm....No! I don't know who "sexylady" is, but I do know its not me! I would never give myself a lame name like "sexylady"....I'm not a conceited ho-cake! :slap:
October 19, 200519 yr Ho-cake :confused: :confused: :confused: Â Â Sshhh mate - you'll make us all look like ruddy fools.. RUDDY FOOLS I TELL YOU ! LOL
October 19, 200519 yr american slang still can't get used to it ok how to confuse her whats a pavement.....its our version          of a sidewalk lol
October 20, 200519 yr american slang still can't get used to it ok how to confuse her whats a pavement.....          our version of a sidewalk lol  No we also call our sidewalks "sidewalks"..LOL....
October 20, 200519 yr Thats what you say, but I could also be from Indiana (Check out the Avater) ;) Check it out Ya'll ;) Â Â Dude your makin' my brain hurt.... :rofl: Why are ya'll so evil? What did I do? DANG!!!!!!
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