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Have had a great day all day today on my Z! :D Completly removed my viscouse fan cause it saps power and fitted a nice big Kenlow 16" er which was an absolute bitch to bitch having to take the rad out but it's well on there now!! Then had to remove my oil cooler cause it's a UK Spec car, standard electric fan just to get to the original recirc valves to remove them!!!


They we're a bitch in them selves, easy to remove but then trying to bung up the recirc pipes was a nightmare!! The top hose requires a 28mm bung and the bottoms 32" :headvswal thats the bloody japanese for ya!!! Then I spent the afternoon chopping up the intake pipes to fit my new baily venturi dump valves!!! Put it all back together and it all worked first time!!!


Just a quick question though i've disconnected the vaccume pipe from the original recirc valves completly as I feel there know longer needed and have connected the vaccume pipe from the baily ones in it's place.. Are they used for anything else?? :confused:


PS By the way got the car dynoed befor and after viscouse fan removal and for those that need to know when the viscouse engaged it saps a wopping 18.3 BHP!!! The electric kenlow only sapps 0.4Bph as i guess the alternator has to do some work!!! Good upgrade :D

PS By the way got the car dynoed befor and after viscouse fan removal and for those that need to know when the viscouse engaged it saps a wopping 18.3 BHP!!! The electric kenlow only sapps 0.4Bph as i guess the alternator has to do some work!!! Good upgrade


At a time when the forum is full of dumb ass polls its good to know that someone is out there actually doing something on a 300!

And doing it scientifically too.

Thanks Mate for the info, that was on my provisional list of thing to do. Its just been moved to "MUST DO"

As you say there will be an increased use of the alternator to power the fan, but I bet it dont take 18BHP to run it!!!!


Have you fitted it as a suck fan or as a blow fan???(no rude answers please!)

Is this fitted with the original electric fan or just the Kenlowe?

(and Pete-I'll ignore that last remark!) :D

with the electric fan does the speed rise with the engine revs or is it a constant speed.

i can see the benefits of power increase but whats the difference in engine temp as the viscous fan was there for a reason


please tell me im being dumb if the question is a stupid one




  • Author
At a time when the forum is full of dumb ass polls its good to know that someone is out there actually doing something on a 300!

And doing it scientifically too.

Thanks Mate for the info, that was on my provisional list of thing to do. Its just been moved to "MUST DO"

As you say there will be an increased use of the alternator to power the fan, but I bet it dont take 18BHP to run it!!!!


Have you fitted it as a suck fan or as a blow fan???(no rude answers please!)


Cheers Pete!! ;) Yeah had some help from my mate at the garage (Access to tools etc + rolling road etc) but it was bloody satisfying doing having a go myself!!


No when we dynoed the car after the fan installation it was only sapping 0.48BHP and the feeling of driving it on the road this evening was more responsive and less laggy too!!


I don't know why more people haven't done this kinda upgrade as the stock fan is positioned quiet away from the rad and isn't really doing much cooling!! :headvswal (Mac do this!). ;)


You can set the Kenlow to come on by an ajustable thermostat but under normal driving condidtions and a after a far bit of kaning it's nuts off it only comes on when it needs to ie parked in traffic etc as there is enough air flow to keep the rad cool when the Z'ed is in motion.


By the way it's a SUCKER!!! :D to take hot air away as if it we're blowing it would be like pissing in the wind just blowing air forward! :headvswal

  • Author
Is this fitted with the original electric fan or just the Kenlowe?

(and Pete-I'll ignore that last remark!) :D


The standard electric fan is still in place but it will probably never ever come on again as the Kenlowe has a massive 16" diameter fan blade span and rotates like an absolute B/\stard :cool: , you can actually see the temp guage inside the car go from normal to halfway between the L and Midway on the temp guage in the car it's that efficient!! Very quick at cooling the system down too!!

  • Author
with the electric fan does the speed rise with the engine revs or is it a constant speed.

i can see the benefits of power increase but whats the difference in engine temp as the viscous fan was there for a reason


please tell me im being dumb if the question is a stupid one





Hey Gaz, it's not a stupid question mate, the thing with the 16" Kenlowe fan is it uses 40Amps just to power the bloody thing up, it's a really powerful piece of kit!! :D


If your engine is running then the fan is always at a constant speed as the alternator is doing it's thing and giving every electrical component in the car it's maximum power..


When your engine is hot enough and the fan kicks in switching the engine off will cause the rotation of the fan to slow a little bit as it's drawing a lot of current to power the Kenlowe...


Viscous fans will always spin when the engine is running but they use a basic clutch type mechinisum on the fan it's self. When your engine is cold the viscous fan will freewheel but when hot enough a little coil spring heats up and the fan clutch engages cause major drag and loosing you BHP!!! :(


Most viscous fans on Z'eds tend to nearly always be siezed up so the clucth is always engaged loosing your responsiveness from the word go and of course cause of the extra drag your fuel bills will be higher!!! Hope this helps, Jon

Whats The Cost Of Buying One Of These Fans? A Possible Thought In The Very Near Future And Have You Any Detailed Proceedures For Doing The Swap? It Possibly Comes With Instructions,

  • Author
Whats The Cost Of Buying One Of These Fans? A Possible Thought In The Very Near Future And Have You Any Detailed Proceedures For Doing The Swap? It Possibly Comes With Instructions,


Luckely I managed to get mine for trade price which was £140.58p!! + Vat :dance: but honestly it's well worth it for the better cooling and engine response gains!!! :bow:


I should of taken some pictures while doing the install really but didn't have the time!!! :smash: The Kenlowe fan comes with full set of destructions (There not that bad really!!) but basically you remove the viscouse fan and fan sherode first which is really easy as the viscous fan is only attached with 4 small bolts then take the sherode and fan out together..


I then took my rad out for ease of use when mounting the kenlowe fan.. It comes witch a full fitting kit but basically you feed some small metal strips through your cooling fins on your rad and cable tie some one end to the other to hold it all in place.


For the electrical feed we linked it into a relay switch which is supplied in the fitting kit and then onto the fuse wiring for the air con in the Z'ed.. This means the Kenlowe fan will only operate when the IGN is turned on else my bloody alarm would go off when parked up!!


I'm also gonna fit a manual switch in the car to switch the Kenlowe fan on and off when I want, just for extra piece of mind if the thermostat ever fails!!! :nono: It's amazing how much more room your left with when you have got rid of the viscous fan, I needed to do this so I could fit my Dump valves into the top intake pipes as the original fan sherode was in the way!!! :rant:

Luckely I managed to get mine for trade price which was £140.58p!! + Vat :dance: but honestly it's well worth it for the better cooling and engine response gains!!! :bow:


I should of taken some pictures while doing the install really but didn't have the time!!! :smash: The Kenlowe fan comes with full set of destructions (There not that bad really!!) but basically you remove the viscouse fan and fan sherode first which is really easy as the viscous fan is only attached with 4 small bolts then take the sherode and fan out together..


I then took my rad out for ease of use when mounting the kenlowe fan.. It comes witch a full fitting kit but basically you feed some small metal strips through your cooling fins on your rad and cable tie some one end to the other to hold it all in place.


For the electrical feed we linked it into a relay switch which is supplied in the fitting kit and then onto the fuse wiring for the air con in the Z'ed.. This means the Kenlowe fan will only operate when the IGN is turned on else my bloody alarm would go off when parked up!!


I'm also gonna fit a manual switch in the car to switch the Kenlowe fan on and off when I want, just for extra piece of mind if the thermostat ever fails!!! :nono: It's amazing how much more room your left with when you have got rid of the viscous fan, I needed to do this so I could fit my Dump valves into the top intake pipes as the original fan sherode was in the way!!! :rant:


thanx for that i may just do the swap as my engine is still out of the car. you dont have any turbos happen to lay about on the off chance that you want to sell them do ya? :D

  • Author
thanx for that i may just do the swap as my engine is still out of the car. you dont have any turbos happen to lay about on the off chance that you want to sell them do ya? :D


No dude sorry I haven't but I got a complete 300ZXTT engine for sale in bits with a cracked head if anygood! Bottom block is mint!

No dude sorry I haven't but I got a complete 300ZXTT engine for sale in bits with a cracked head if anygood! Bottom block is mint!

carry on talk to me

Good work Jon. Any pics of it in place?

  • Author
Good work Jon. Any pics of it in place?


I'll take some today as I've got the day off again and stick them on here later on if I can!! ;)

  • Author
carry on talk to me


Basically it's my old engine which was mint until one of my water cooled turbo pipes failed and caused the engine to dump all it's water.. Stoped the Z as soon as I could but it was too late, cause i'd been kaning it before hand the heat soak caused a small crack in the head which can be repaired but it was cheeper to get a second hand engine from a crashed Z at the time as nissan wanted £900 or something stupid just for a new head! My heas was pressure tested and marked where the crack is cause it's so tiny and not really visable from the naked eye. It's all in bits valves, cams etc and the wiring loom has been chopped into as i needed plugs and stuff for my new engine but apart from that the rest is all there!

Basically it's my old engine which was mint until one of my water cooled turbo pipes failed and caused the engine to dump all it's water.. Stoped the Z as soon as I could but it was too late, cause i'd been kaning it before hand the heat soak caused a small crack in the head which can be repaired but it was cheeper to get a second hand engine from a crashed Z at the time as nissan wanted £900 or something stupid just for a new head! My heas was pressure tested and marked where the crack is cause it's so tiny and not really visable from the naked eye. It's all in bits valves, cams etc and the wiring loom has been chopped into as i needed plugs and stuff for my new engine but apart from that the rest is all there!

has your engine got tubs with it?

  • Author
has your engine got tubs with it?


No mate sorry, had to use my decent T28 360 roller baring jobbies on my new engine!! To good not to use them!!

Well done mate glad to see this kinda thing up and running, i've been meaning to do mine for sooooo long now it's untrue.

I've got the SPAL fan, got the electrical wiring kit and already fitted a temp activation switch in my top water inlet pipe ready, this comes on at 80deg.

For about a month i've been recording temps from my Apexi electronic gauge so i can get a before and after set of readings.

Once me plenums off to sort oil leaks out, this deffo is next job on the to do asap list. ;)



Hey Gaz, it's not a stupid question mate, the thing with the 16" Kenlowe fan is it uses 40Amps just to power the bloody thing up, it's a really powerful piece of kit!! :D


If your engine is running then the fan is always at a constant speed as the alternator is doing it's thing and giving every electrical component in the car it's maximum power..


When your engine is hot enough and the fan kicks in switching the engine off will cause the rotation of the fan to slow a little bit as it's drawing a lot of current to power the Kenlowe...


Viscous fans will always spin when the engine is running but they use a basic clutch type mechinisum on the fan it's self. When your engine is cold the viscous fan will freewheel but when hot enough a little coil spring heats up and the fan clutch engages cause major drag and loosing you BHP!!! :(


Most viscous fans on Z'eds tend to nearly always be siezed up so the clucth is always engaged loosing your responsiveness from the word go and of course cause of the extra drag your fuel bills will be higher!!! Hope this helps, Jon

thanks mate i think it will benefit the na z enormously then..

added this to my VERY long list lol

thanks mate i think it will benefit the na z enormously then..


I hope so!!

  • Author
Well done mate glad to see this kinda thing up and running, i've been meaning to do mine for sooooo long now it's untrue.

I've got the SPAL fan, got the electrical wiring kit and already fitted a temp activation switch in my top water inlet pipe ready, this comes on at 80deg.

For about a month i've been recording temps from my Apexi electronic gauge so i can get a before and after set of readings.

Once me plenums off to sort oil leaks out, this deffo is next job on the to do asap list. ;)




Good one Smithy, it definetly makes a big difference and like I said cause theres no viscous fan drag your accelleration will be much better!!! 80 degress sounds about right to me just keep the bugger cool all the time!! I've got some bonnet vents to go in sometime soon so that should help things even further!!! Hope you get your oil leaks sorted out soon dude!! ;)

  • Author
Good work Jon. Any pics of it in place?


Have taken some pictures of it in place today but Don't know how to post them on here or is it cause i'm not subscribed yet??!!! (It's says I may not post attachments!) Can e-mail them to you if ya like for all to see.

How did you simulate the viscous fan power drag? Did you lock its clutch up? What was the power drag when it was in slipping mode which is what its in 99% of the time?

Also was 18 bhp the max draw and at what rpm? Be interested to know.

  • Author
How did you simulate the viscous fan power drag? Did you lock its clutch up? What was the power drag when it was in slipping mode which is what its in 99% of the time?

Also was 18 bhp the max draw and at what rpm? Be interested to know.


Basically we got my car to up running temp and then dynoed it on the rolling road with the rolling road fans switched on for max cooling then took the first reading...Then on the second run to ensure full viscous engagement and the easiest way to do this was to have the rolling road fan switched off so there was no air flow going to the car so it was well hot when doing a dyno run then we took the second reading which was down 18.3 on the first.


After fitting the Kenlow fan and warming the car up to temp again we dynoed it for a second time.. Sure enough when you nail it in 4Th gear and running 1Bar off boost everything gets bloody hot and then the Kenlow kicked in.. The result on the dyno computer was only a loss of 0.48BHP when the Kenlow kicked in compared to the viscouse which lost me 18.3BHP! Quiet a major difference in my opion!!!


The car was making max BHP at 6466RPM and torque figures we're also up!!

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