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NZR Gettin wed!!!

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Guest Pete @ PPS Motorsport

Well guys the time has crept up on me, when we booked the wedding it seemed like months away, hmm come to think of it it was, but tomorrow we fly off to Grenada(no Macca not the motorway services) to become Mr &Mrs Leonardo.

Any advice from the happily married amongst us????

Got to admit I'm starting to brick it a liitle bit, but theres no goin back now.


C'YAS when we get back.




Good luck to you mate, you'll need it :D Nah, only joking ;)

Can't give you any advice, cus it didn't work for me, but I wish you both all the best in the world, and I hope you're happy together for the rest of your lives!!


:duffer: :duffer: :duffer: :duffer: :duffer: :duffer: :duffer:

Guest astrassuck

Congratulations matey, wish ypu both all the best and a happy day!


Grats :D


Advice ummmm.... Well I'm still married after 6 years and I reckon the best thing is that we have always been honest to each other and share everything! (except I always get the biggest bit of steak ;) )


Greed & Jealousy - Prime marriage killers.




Boffin' a 19yr old 'glamour model' will do the job too :rofl:

Well guys the time has crept up on me, when we booked the wedding it seemed like months away, hmm come to think of it it was, but tomorrow we fly off to Grenada(no Macca not the motorway services) to become Mr &Mrs Leonardo.

Any advice from the happily married amongst us????

Got to admit I'm starting to brick it a liitle bit, but theres no goin back now.


C'YAS when we get back.




I got married in August and it puts a smile on my face everytime I see 'Mrs Williams' written on the mornings post - sounds a little corny I know but I'm happy - you will be too! All the best.


Many, many Congrats to you both - just enjoy the day. I had a brilliant Wedding Day and hope you do too.


PS. Are you gonna come to any NE meets once your back???


Congrats Pete! Yer a braver man than me! :p


Best of luck to both Mr and Mrs Leonardo :D

Guest Pete @ PPS Motorsport

Cheers guys, well if it doesnt go to plan at least I've got a nice beach to sit on and drown my sorrows LOL.

Hi Phil, Yeah will be poppin along to a few meets once we've got the shop up and running.



Guest AngusGlover

happily married...is that not a contradiction in terms?

Many, many Congrats to you both - just enjoy the day. I had a brilliant Wedding Day and hope you do too.


PS. Are you gonna come to any NE meets once your back???


Yep but which one :slap: :rofl:


Like Pauls says I'm sure it does work out for some.


I had 15 happy years just the last 5 not been good.

Guest AngusGlover

They do say the first 25 are the worst...lol

They do say the first 25 are the worst...lol




should have realised it wasnt gonna work when she asked for a divorce in the car going from the church to the reception :headvswal




All the best Peter. Best wishes to Mrs LEONARDO.

Have a super honeymoon and I'll see ya when ya get back!


Sorry I couldn't make it to your Stag do on Saturday night. Just too soon after my back surgery mate :headvswal :headvswal

Hope you had a good night.





Guest Pete @ PPS Motorsport
any excuse to get out of working in the shop.



PMSL I think I could have come up with an easier way of getting out of that mate!!!!!


All the best mate! One bit of advice - it could be considered churlish to keep your cap on when taking your vows... :rofl:

Guest bigphil

If he has to take the cap off the wedding will be cancelled!!!!!


Steve, I will come along to the dyno day.

Guest bigphil

watch only Steve, should have pressie by then as well.

watch only Steve, should have pressie by then as well.

Your a star mate.

Do you fancy a ride up to the Scottish Borders in November for a Z meet with our Scottish cousins (13th or 27th), see post for November meet ~ See if you can get Peter to come with you.

I'm also arranging our Xmas piss up at Sunderland Dog track. I trust I will get yours and Peters support.

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