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fitting race harness - 2+2

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Simple question - best to fit 3 point & make new rear mountings or 4 point and use existing lap-belt mounts?


I was going to go with a 3 point, but a 4 point will be easier if the existing mounts are suitable (suitable as in is the angle of the innermost any good for harness).


Oh, and i'm not putting the rear seats back in!





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Go for the four point and make sure you get them anchored with the right size steel bolts and spreader plates. Make new holes if you have to to get them to sit straight on the shoulders - this is important. If you fit them badly you wont do them up tight enough, and that will only matter once!


I have a swb, so I had to go 3 point



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Don't use the rear belt holes they are way to low. I fitted my harness to a roll cage bar. If you do not have one you will need to drill some holes as high up as you can. Mind all the pipes and wires underneath. Because I sprint / hill climb in a road going class I had to keep the rear seat not that you can use it!!!

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